- 博士,博士生导师
- 办公室:F204
- 研究员,生殖干细胞与发育研究组
- 电话:020-32015264
- 研究组长,中科院再生生物学重点实验室
- 电子邮箱:qi_huayu@gibh.ac.cn
2002年毕业于纽约西奈山医学院,获分子、细胞与发育生物学博士学位, 随后在哈佛医学院儿童医院从事博士后研究工作至2007年。2007年回国后任中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院研究员。
1. Zou Q, Yang L, Shi R, Qi Y, Zhang X, Qi H*. Proteostasis regulated by testis-specific ribosomal protein RPL39L maintains mouse spermatogenesis. iScience. 2021 Dec;24(12):1-30.
2. Zou Q, Qi H*. Deletion of ribosomal paralogs Rpl39 and Rpl39l compromises cell proliferation via protein synthesis and mitochondrial activity. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2021 Oct;139:1-12
3. Shi K, Yang L, Zhuang X, Zhang L, Qi H*. Yeast Two-Hybrid Screen Identifies PKA-Riα Interacting Proteins during Mouse Spermiogenesis. Genes. 2021, Nov 30;12(12):1-14
4. Xu KB, Yang LL, Zhang L, Qi HY*. Lack of AKAP3 disrupts integrity of the subcellular structure andproteome of mouse sperm and causes male sterility. Development. 2020, 147(2): 1–15.
5. Wu YY, Xu KB, Qi HY*. Domain-functional analyses of PIWIL1 and PABPC1 indicate their synergistic roles in protein translation via 3'-UTRs of meiotic mRNAs. Biol Reprod. 2018, 99(4): 773-788.