
  • 博士
  • 办公室:Null
  • 副研究员,病原感染与细胞生理研究组
  • 电话:Null
  • 研究骨干,中科院再生生物学重点实验室
  • 电子邮箱:ma_yong@gibh.ac.cn

2022.11—至今 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院, 副研究员




1.Ma, Y#., Li, P#., Hu, Y#., Qiu, T., Wang, L., Lu, H., Lv, K., Xu, M., Zhuang, J., Liu, X., He, S., He, B., Liu, L., Wang, Y., Yue, X., Zhai, Y., Luo, W., Mai, H., Kuang, Y., Chen, S., Ye, F., Zhou, N., Zhao, W., Chen, J., Chen, S., Xiong, X., Shi, M., Pan, J*., Chen, Y*. Spike substitution T813S increases Sarbecovirus fusogenicity by enhancing the usage of TMPRSS2. PLOS Pathogens. 2023 May 17, 19(5): e1011123.
2.Ma, Y., Liang, Y., Wang, N., Cui, L., Chen, Z., Wu, H., Zhu, C., Wang, Z., Liu, S*., Li, H*. Avian Flavivirus Infection of Monocytes/Macrophages by Extensive Subversion of Host Antiviral Innate Immune Responses. Journal of Virology. 2019, 93(22). pii: JVI.00978-19. 
3.Ma, Y., Sun, J., Gu, L., Bao, H., Zhao, Y., Shi, L., Yao, W., Tian, G., Wang, X*., Chen, H*. Annexin a2 (anxa2) interacts with nonstructural protein 1 and promotes the replication of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus. BMC Microbiology, 2017, 17(1), 191. 
4.Liang, Y#., Ma, Y#., Zhang Y., Chen, Z., Wang Z., Li X., Cui, L., Xu, L., Liu, S*., Li, H*.  Single-Cell Analysis of the In Vivo Dynamics of Host Circulating Immune Cells Highlights the Importance of Myeloid Cells in Avian Flaviviral Infection. Journal of Immunology, 2021, 207(11):2878-2891. 
5.Cui, L#., Ma, Y#., Liang, Y., Chen, Z., Wang, Z., Wu, H., Li, X., Xu, L., Liu, S*., Li, H*. Polarization of avian macrophages upon avian flavivirus infection. Veterinary Microbiology. 2021 May; 256:109044. 

