
  • 博士
  • 办公室:F402
  • 副研究员,干细胞介导的疾病治疗研究组
  • 电话:020-32093463
  • 研究骨干,中科院再生生物学重点实验室
  • 电子邮箱:xu_yingying@gibh.ac.cn





1. Xu Y.#, Tao J.#, Yu X.#, Wu Y., Chen Y., You K., Zhang J., Getachew A., Pan T., Zhuang Y., Yuan F., Yang F., Lin X., Li Y. X. Hypomorphic ASGR1 modulates lipid homeostasis via INSIG1-mediated SREBP signaling suppression. JCI insight, 2021; 6(19).
2. Xu Y., Wu Y., Xiong Y., Tao J., Pan T., Tan S., Gao G., Chen Y., Abbas N., Getachew A., Zhuang Y., You K., Yang F., Li, Y. X. Ascorbate protects liver from metabolic disorder through inhibition of lipogenesis and suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3). Nutrition & metabolism. 2020; 17(17).
3. Xu Y., Wu Y., Guo D., Gao G., Lai K., Yang F., Wang K., Wu H., Lai L., Li, Y. X. Generation of an ASGR1 homozygous mutant human embryonic stem cell line WAe001-A-6 using CRISPR/Cas9. Stem cell research, 2017; 22:29-32.
4. Yuan F., Xu Y., You K., Zhang J., Yang F., Li Y.X. Calcitriol alleviates ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity via AMPK/mTOR-mediated autophagy. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics. 2021; 697:108694.
5. Pan T., Chen Y., Zhuang Y., Yang F., Xu Y., Tao J., You K., Wang N., Wu Y., Lin X., Wu F.,Liu Y., Li Y., Wang G., Li Y.X. Synergistic modulation of signaling pathways to expand and maintain the bipotency of human hepatoblasts. Stem cell research & therapy, 2019, 10(1):364.

