
  • 博士
  • 办公室:F310
  • 副研究员,细胞命运转换研究组
  • 电话:020-32093463
  • 研究骨干,中科院再生生物学重点实验室
  • 电子邮箱:liang_lining@gibh.ac.cn





1. Lin, L.#, Liang, L.#,Yang, X.#, Sun, H., Li, Y., Pei, D. & Zheng, H*. (2018) The homeobox transcription factor MSX2 partially mediates the effects of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) on somatic cell reprogramming, Journal of Biological Chemistry. 293(38): 14905-14915.
2. Liang, L.#, Chen, J.#, Li, Y., Lai, X., Sun, H., Li, C., Zhang, M., Yang, T., Meng, F., Law, P.-Y., Loh, H. H. & Zheng, H*. (2020) Morphine and Naloxone Facilitate Neural Stem Cells Proliferation via a TET1-Dependent and Receptor-Independent Pathway, Cell reports. 30, 3625-3631.e6.
3. Sun, H.#, Yang, X.#, Liang, L.#, Zhang, M.#, Li, Y., Chen, J., Wang, F., Yang, T., Meng, F., Lai, X., Li, C., He, J., He, M., Xu, Q., Li, Q., Lin, L., Pei, D.* & Zheng, H*. (2020) Metabolic switch and epithelial–mesenchymal transition cooperate to regulate pluripotency, The EMBO Journal. 39.
4. Chen, J.#, Liang, L.#, Li, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, M., Yang, T., Meng, F., Lai, X., Li, C., He, J., He, M., Xu, Q., Li, Q., Law, P. Y., Loh, H. H., Pei, D., Sun, H.* & Zheng, H*. (2020) Naloxone regulates the differentiation of neural stem cells via a receptor‐independent pathway, The FASEB Journal. 34, 5917-5930.
5. Meng, F., Li, Y., Sun, H., Li, C., Li, Q., Law, P. Y., Loh, H. H., Liang, L*. & Zheng, H*. (2020) Naloxone Facilitates Contextual Learning and Memory in a Receptor-Independent and Tet1-Dependent Manner, Cellular and molecular neurobiology.

