
  • 博士,硕士生导师
  • 办公室:F202
  • 副研究员,干细胞转基因克隆研究组
  • 电话:020-32015304
  • 研究骨干,中科院再生生物学重点实验室
  • 电子邮箱:fan_nana@gibh.ac.cn






1. Fan N#, Chen J#, Shang Z#, Dou H, Ji G, Zou Q, Wu L, He L, Wang F, Liu K, Liu N, Han J, Zhou Q, Pan D, Yang D, Zhao B, Ouyang Z, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Lin L, Zhong C, Wang Q, Wang S, Xu Y, Luan J, Liang Y, Yang Z, Li J, Lu C, Vajta G, Li Z, Ouyang H, Wang H, Wang Y, Yang Y, Liu Z, Wei H, Luan Z, Esteban MA, Deng H, Yang H, Pei D, Li N, Pei G, Liu L, Du Y*, Xiao L*, Lai L*. Piglets cloned from induced pluripotent stem cells. Cell Res. 2013, 23(1): 162-6. 
2. Fan N, Lai L. Genetically modified pig models for human diseases. J Genet Genomics. 2013, 40(2): 67-73.
3. Han K#, Liang L#, Li L#, Ouyang Z, Zhao B, Wang Q, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Ren X, Jiang F, Lai C, Wang K, Yan S, Huang L, Guo L, Zeng K*, Lai L* and Fan N*. Generation of Hoxc13 knockout pigs recapitulates human ectodermal dysplasia–9. Hum Mol Genet. 2017, 26(1): 184-191. 
4. Yan Q, Zhang Q, Yang H, Zou Q, Tang C, Fan N*, Lai L*. Muti-gene targeting in rabbits using the Cas9/gRNAsystem. Cell Regeneration. 2014, 3(1): 12. 
5. Yan S*, Tu Z*, Liu Z*, Fan N, Yang H, Yang S, Yang W, Zhao Y, Ouyang Z, Lai C, Yang H, Li L, Liu Q, Shi H, Xu G, Zhao H, Wei H, Pei Z, Li S*, Lai L*, Li XJ*. A Huntingtin Knockin Pig Model Recapitulates Features of Selective Neurodegeneration in Huntington's Disease. Cell. 2018, 173(4): 989-1002.

